Thursday 18 October 2012

Fast Ferien!


Again, I’m going to start by apologizing for yet another long post! I’ve been meaning to write this one for a while, but it’s been a bit of a hectic week! Anyway, here’s the news from my past week and a half in Plauen!

Monday is proving to be a really busy day up to now! I’m in school from 7.15-2pm, and on top of that, we had a department meeting this week! I’m hoping that I’ll be able to join Plauen’s volleyball team after I get back from Berlin, who also happen to train on a Monday, so it’s going to be a very tiresome start to the week! Despite my long Mondays, I am still absolutely loving teaching. It is such a rewarding job! Once a week, I teach a year 6 class who have to have extra English lessons because they struggle. This week, one of the boys came up to me at the end of my lesson to tell me how much he’d enjoyed it. It’s nice to hear that they’re starting to enjoy the subject and hearing such nice comments makes all the hard work that I put into planning my lessons 100% worth it. The few weeks that I have been teaching for have confirmed that I definitely want to be a teacher of some sort in the future- although I’m still not entirely sure at what level. My mentor has arranged for me to teach a few lessons at a private school here in Plauen after the holidays. The students there will be a little older than the ones I teach at school, so this may give me a better idea of which age group I would like to work with. The teacher who I met from the private school seemed really nice and they are very excited to have an English native speaker to teach a few lessons!

Last Saturday, I went on a little trip with my mentor and her family. We went to a place called Mödlareuth in Bayern. Mödlareuth is also known as ‘Klein Berlin’ because it was divided in two during GDR times by a 700-meter wall- Just like Berlin, but on a much smaller scale! (The village only had 50 people who lived there.) We went to a museum there, which was really interesting. Even though I’ve read loads of books about the former GDR and have studied a bit about it, I still find it really bizarre hearing my mentor talk about her life during the GDR times and how much everything has changed since the ‘Wende’. It doesn’t matter how much I’ve studied and read about it, I still find it hard to imagine that people actually lived like that- Strange, I know!

Klein Berlin

What's left of the 700 Meter Wall

 I’ve only taught for two days this week. Yesterday and today I went on school trips, and I’m going on another trip tomorrow! The joys of being an assistant!! Yesterday I went on year 5’s Wandertag. I found it sooo odd that we were taking 28 10-year-olds on the train to get where we were starting our walk, but it seems that this is pretty standard in Germany! We walked about 14 kilometers in total around the countryside of the Vogtland. On our way, we stopped at a Gasthof owned by one of the students’ parents, where they had prepared some breakfast for us. There was Wurst, Pfannkuchen, doughnuts and plenty of fresh bread- really really tasty! This is when they told me that they had invited a reporter from the local newspaper along to take some photos and write a story about me. News must be slow in Plauen this week if they’re having to run a story about me!! Year 10 have also written an article about me for the homepage on the school website ( Between stories being wrote about me and kids shouting my name down the street, I’m starting to feel like the new local celebrity!

Today, I went on a trip to Leipzig with the Oberstufe (6th form). We went to the American Consulate this morning to listen to a speech about Obama and the upcoming presidential election in the USA. We then had the afternoon to do as we pleased, so I was lucky enough to be able to meet up with Mike, Chrissie and Graham (Bangor students studying at Leipzig for their ERASMUS year). It was really nice to see all three of them, even if it was only brief. I definitely didn’t have enough time to see Leipzig properly today, so will most likely be returning in the near future!

Chrissie, Mike, Graham and I in Leipzig

In between all these trips, I’ve been busy trying to make my room feel more homely! I now have a wardrobe but had a slight mishap with the sofa! I somehow managed to order a sofa cover, not the actual sofa. As it was pay on delivery, I hadn’t noticed! The cover still isn’t here, however, and IKEA has told me to refuse to accept the package when it arrives so that I won’t have to pay for it. I’m not entirely sure that I have room for a sofa any more, so I may wait a little before I decide to buy one! Stefanie’s friend has also been so kind as to hang up my photos and cupboards, and because my Wohnwand was looking a bit bare, I have bought a few bits and printed some more photos to make the room look homely! I think I’m happy with my room now! :)
My Wohnwand

My Room :)

Tomorrow, I’m going on a trip with the music department to and instrument museum. Apparently it’s really interesting, so I’m looking forward to going! Not as much as I’m looking forward to going to Berlin on Saturday, though!! I am so excited to see Jon and, obviously, to see Berlin. I found out yesterday that I actually have 2 weeks for half term, not one as I was originally told (I swear!!). It’s a shame, cause Jon will have to leave after a week, so I’ll have to plan lots of exciting things to keep me occupied in week 2!

That is all that I have to tell you for now! I do hope that I didn’t bore you too much! Next stop…Berlin! :D

Bis Bald!

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